In 2012, I was a patient at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. The pain and fear of my cancer diagnosis and pending surgery was mediated by the excellent care of the staff and volunteers at the clinic and by the amazing art that is exhibited throughout the facility. Seeing original works from some the world's most renown artists, was an important aspect of my healing.
And so it is with great excitement that I ready my art quilt, City Planner, for installation in the new patient wing at Blessing Hospital, here in Quincy. The quilt has been purchased by the hospital, thanks to a gift from a generous donor who also understands the importance of the physical environment to our physical and spiritual beings.
To make the story even more meaningful, I started this quilt before my illness, worked on it I during my treatments at the Blessing Cancer Center, and completed the quilt in 2013, after treatments had finished.
It seems to be a fitting example of how art can heal. I hope that City Planner will be a source of beauty, reflection and healing for those who see it at Blessing.